
2018年6月6日 星期三

LEADERSHIP,漢清講堂5講; How technology helped. Back Story: D-Day. ... problems are due to chronic leadership failures.Leadership: A Very Short Introduction

LEADERSHIP,漢清講堂5講;Leadership: A Very Short Introduction
我與李元璋博士各有一本談LEADERSHIP的書之草稿 (2017.5)---我的,可寄給大家。
今天陳健邦兄指出: 鄧予立《馬英九必修的10堂課:圖說台灣經濟發展大未來》(台北:早安財經文化,2009 ),如附:


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Leadership: A Very Short Introduction | Keith Grint | 9780199569915 ...


Previously he was Professor of Defence Leadership at Cranfield University. He spent 10 years in industry before switching to an academic career. He is a founding co-editor of the journal Leadership(Sage) and founding co-organizer of the International Conference in Leadership Research.


Back Story: D-Day

The invasion of Europe from the West has begun.
That was how The Times introduced “the most pivotal battle of all time,” which took place on this day in 1944. We’re, of course, speaking of D-Day, when more than 150,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy to begin liberating Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II.
Code-named “Operation Overlord,” D-Day saw airborne forces parachute across northern France as ground troops landed on five beaches. By day’s end, it was the largest air, naval and land operation in history.
在代號為「霸王行動」(Operation Overlord)的D日,空降部隊在法國北部各地降落,地面部隊在五個海灘登陸。這是有史以來規模最大的海陸空聯合行動
But it was not the first D-Day.
D-Day is a general term used for the start of any military campaign, and is used when the exact date of an operation is secret or not yet known. Similarly H-Hour is a term used to describe a yet to be determined time. These alliterative phrases go back at least as far as World War I, and helped keep actual mission dates out of enemy hands.
The generic phrases also allowed for advance planning, and for scenes like this to come to fruition:
“The relatively calm water was churned by wave after wave of ships,” according to one Times account from Normandy, “some large enough to cast their eerie shadows in the early morning glow and others darting through like so many water-bugs.”

Remy Tumin撰寫了今天的幕後故事。

Courage. Radar. The Higgins boat. Victory depended on all of them.



Leadership, Management and Command - Rethinking D-Day | K. Grint ...


Rethinking D-Day. Authors: Grint, K. ... GrintKeith. Pages 3-18. Preview Buy Chapter 30,19 €. Western Allied Strategy: the Boxer and the Karateka. GrintKeith.

The author argues that the successes and failures of D-Day, on both sides, cannot be explained by comparing the competing strategies of each side. Instead he provides an account of the battle through the overarching nature of the relationship between the leaders and their followers.


Western Allied Strategy: the Boxer and the Karateka

Grint, Keith

Pages 23-58

Allied Air Strategy

Grint, Keith

Pages 59-79

Planning to Mislead

Grint, Keith

Pages 80-115

German Strategy: Hard Shell, Soft Shell

Grint, Keith

Pages 116-134

Allied Ground Strategy

Grint, Keith

Pages 135-149

Mobilizing the Anglo-Canadians, the Commonwealth, and the Volunteers

Grint, Keith

Pages 153-180

Mobilizing the Americans: Technology and the Iceberg

Grint, Keith

Pages 181-210

Mobilizing the Germans: the Wehrmacht and the SS

Grint, Keith

Pages 211-233

Managing Logistics: ‘Bag, vomit, one.’

Grint, Keith

Pages 234-263


Grint, Keith

Pages 264-304


Grint, Keith

Pages 307-321

The Airborne Assaults

Grint, Keith

Pages 322-349

The Amphibious Landings

Grint, Keith

Pages 350-413


Grint, Keith

Pages 417-428

Buy this bookeBook46,99 €
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ISBN 978-0-230-59050-2
Digitally watermarked, DRM-free
Included format: PDF
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Immediate eBook download after purchaseHardcover57,19 €Softcover51,99 €

Britain’s railways are veering off the tracks.

