
2014年6月30日 星期一


早餐吃穀片退燒 家樂氏好傷


【賴宇萍╱綜合外電報導】美國人過去早餐以穀片為主的習慣出現明顯改變。美國財經媒體CNBC引述Nielsen ScanTrack數據報導,1年多來美國穀片銷量續下滑,過去4周下滑幅度更高達7%,讓家樂氏(Kellogg’s)等廠商大傷腦筋。
穀片銷售佔家樂氏整體營收約30%,但在過去4周,家樂氏旗下的穀片銷售大減10%,20%營收來自穀片產品的通用磨坊(General Mills)同樣面臨消費者「口味」改變的難題。


不過在穀片產品銷量持續下滑之際,美國消費者對優格的喜愛程度卻迅速上升。據Consumer Edge Research的調查,在2003~2013年期間,美國成年人早餐吃優格的比率,由原本的36%大幅躍升至49%。

Balkan-style or Set-style Yogurt

The warm cultured milk mixture is poured into containers then incubated without any further stirring. Balkan-style or set-style yogurt has a characteristic thick texture and is excellent for enjoying plain or using in recipes.

Swiss-style or Stirred Yogurt

The warm cultured milk mixture is incubated in a large vat, cooled and then stirred for a creamy texture, often with fruit or other flavourings added. Swiss-style or stirred yogurt is often slightly thinner than Balkan-style or set yogurt and can be eaten as-is, in cold beverages or incorporated into desserts.

Greek-style Yogurt

A very thick yogurt that is either made from milk that has had some of the water removed or by straining whey from plain yogurt to make it thicker and creamier. Greek-style yogurt tends to hold up better when heated than regular yogurt, making it perfect for cooking. It is also referred to as Mediterranean or Mediterranean-style yogurt and is often used for dips such as Tzatziki. A Balkan-style yogurt that has 6% M.F. or more makes an excellent substitute for Greek-style yogurt.

