
2014年5月2日 星期五

All at sea: 海上核電工廠



All at sea


In a state of confusion and disorder.


This is an extension of the nautical phrase 'at sea'. It dates from the days of sail when accurate navigational aids weren't available. Any ship that was out of sight of land was in an uncertain position and in danger of becoming lost.
'At sea' has been in use since the 18th century, as here, in Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, 1768:
"If a court of equity were still at sea, and floated upon the occasional opinion which the judge who happened to preside might entertain of conscience in every particular case."
The earliest reference to 'all at sea' in print that I can find is from Travel and adventure in south-east Africa, 1893, by Frederick C. Selous:
"I was rather surprised to find that he seemed all at sea, and had no one ready to go with me."

Nobody wants nuclear plants in their backyard. So why not put them out to sea?
英國的《經濟學人》(The Economist)2014/4/26以題為「All at sea」報導(http://goo.gl/d4VfSN)指出,世上有許多的東西,眾人都不希望這些東西被建置在其家後院,而核電廠就是高掛榜單的一項。既是如此,那何不直接將浮台核電廠淡出世人的視線,移到看不到的海面去呢?
《經濟學人》的這篇報導是由美國麻省理工學院(MIT)核工教授 Jacopo
Buongiorno、Michael Golay、Neil Todreas 等人在美國機械工程師學會(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME)論壇上提出上述概念,這似乎是很不尋常的想法,獲得來自俄羅斯和美國的支持者認同。(Unusual as it might seem, such an idea is gaining supporters in America and Russia.)
Rosatom 是俄羅斯原能機構控制下的能源公司,業已著手建造一個海上浮台核電廠,命名為「Akademik Lomonosov」的海上發電站,發電量可達70百萬瓦(MW)、足以供應一座小型城市所需,預計2016年便可完工。
另外,美國科學家也認為,這種浮在海上的核電廠沒有規模上的限制,未來甚至可打造成發電量高達1,000 MW的發電站。Todreas 教授表示,這種飄浮式的核能廠能依照所有法令規格來量身打造,甚至可為之安裝保護殼、以防有人想從海底攻擊發電站。



