China's dreams of 5G dominance hit roadblock in Western markets
More countries likely to follow Australia's move to exclude Huawei and ZTE
The remarks came in response to Canberra's decision the same day to ban Huawei Technologies and ZTE from supplying equipment for fifth-generation mobile networks in Australia. The move likely came as a shock to Beijing, which has ambitions to dominate the global telecom market.
The U.S., a close ally of Australia, was probably relieved. The question for China is whether more Western markets follow Canberra's lead.
The new 5G technology promises data transmission speeds 100 times faster than the current generation of mobile networks, allowing users to enjoy faster downloads and video streaming on their smartphones. But perhaps the most important applications for 5G will be in self-driving cars, the internet of things and other emerging technologies for which ultra high-speed communication is crucial.
This is driving telecom carriers around the world to pour money into 5G, to the tune of $10 billion per project, mainly to build infrastructure such as towers and base stations.
Commercialization of 5G mobile networks is expected to be in full swing by the latter half of next year. As governments around the world conduct trial runs of the technology, Canberra has shut out the Chinese operators, citing security concerns. Huawei controls more than half the Australian market in 4G equipment. The government's decision to bar Chinese companies from the 5G market underscores the depth of its worries.
The U.S. is thought to have pushed Australia to block the entry of Chinese 5G equipment suppliers. Japan, on the other hand, may have mixed feelings.
Seiko Noda, Japan's internal affairs and communications minister, and Miao Wei, China's minister of industry and information technology, met in May and said they would promote collaboration between Japanese and Chinese companies on next-generation network technology.
Japan's SoftBank Group is already doing so. It is testing 5G in Japan, together with Huawei. ZTE supplies network gear to Japanese mobile operators NTT Docomo, KDDI and SoftBank. Chinese manufacturers are hoping to use the transition from 4G to 5G to become bigger players in Japan.
Further complicating matters is the dearth of 5G equipment suppliers worldwide. Countries rolling out 4G or 5G have only a handful of suppliers to choose from, including Cisco Systems of the U.S., Sweden's Ericsson, Nokia of Finland, and Huawei or ZTE from China.
Governments and companies on tight budgets "have few options other than to choose overwhelmingly cheap Chinese products," according to one industry insider.
Huawei, in particular, "has drastically cut its development expenses by precisely copying the products of its rival, Cisco," according to a senior manager with a Japanese telecom company. That has enabled the Chinese company to offer unbeatable prices and quickly expand around the world.
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has complained that telecom operators charge too much to mobile customers and called for lower monthly fees. Shutting out Chinese suppliers would leave Japanese consumers with fewer choices, and probably higher prices.
Australia has come to the conclusion that the lower costs Chinese manufacturers offer are not worth the risk of data leaks. It is not alone. In addition to the U.S., the U.K., Russia and others also restrict the sale of Chinese telecom equipment.
As the outlook for their exporters darkens, the Global Times, an English-language paper backed by the Chinese Communist Party, published an article in late August saying the Australian ban would not necessarily "cause a domino effect in Western countries." Ironically, this hints at Beijing's nervousness about such an outcome.
More countries likely to follow Australia's move to exclude Huawei and ZTE
The remarks came in response to Canberra's decision the same day to ban Huawei Technologies and ZTE from supplying equipment for fifth-generation mobile networks in Australia. The move likely came as a shock to Beijing, which has ambitions to dominate the global telecom market.
The U.S., a close ally of Australia, was probably relieved. The question for China is whether more Western markets follow Canberra's lead.
The new 5G technology promises data transmission speeds 100 times faster than the current generation of mobile networks, allowing users to enjoy faster downloads and video streaming on their smartphones. But perhaps the most important applications for 5G will be in self-driving cars, the internet of things and other emerging technologies for which ultra high-speed communication is crucial.
This is driving telecom carriers around the world to pour money into 5G, to the tune of $10 billion per project, mainly to build infrastructure such as towers and base stations.
Commercialization of 5G mobile networks is expected to be in full swing by the latter half of next year. As governments around the world conduct trial runs of the technology, Canberra has shut out the Chinese operators, citing security concerns. Huawei controls more than half the Australian market in 4G equipment. The government's decision to bar Chinese companies from the 5G market underscores the depth of its worries.
The U.S. is thought to have pushed Australia to block the entry of Chinese 5G equipment suppliers. Japan, on the other hand, may have mixed feelings.
Seiko Noda, Japan's internal affairs and communications minister, and Miao Wei, China's minister of industry and information technology, met in May and said they would promote collaboration between Japanese and Chinese companies on next-generation network technology.
Japan's SoftBank Group is already doing so. It is testing 5G in Japan, together with Huawei. ZTE supplies network gear to Japanese mobile operators NTT Docomo, KDDI and SoftBank. Chinese manufacturers are hoping to use the transition from 4G to 5G to become bigger players in Japan.
Further complicating matters is the dearth of 5G equipment suppliers worldwide. Countries rolling out 4G or 5G have only a handful of suppliers to choose from, including Cisco Systems of the U.S., Sweden's Ericsson, Nokia of Finland, and Huawei or ZTE from China.
Governments and companies on tight budgets "have few options other than to choose overwhelmingly cheap Chinese products," according to one industry insider.
Huawei, in particular, "has drastically cut its development expenses by precisely copying the products of its rival, Cisco," according to a senior manager with a Japanese telecom company. That has enabled the Chinese company to offer unbeatable prices and quickly expand around the world.
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has complained that telecom operators charge too much to mobile customers and called for lower monthly fees. Shutting out Chinese suppliers would leave Japanese consumers with fewer choices, and probably higher prices.
Australia has come to the conclusion that the lower costs Chinese manufacturers offer are not worth the risk of data leaks. It is not alone. In addition to the U.S., the U.K., Russia and others also restrict the sale of Chinese telecom equipment.
As the outlook for their exporters darkens, the Global Times, an English-language paper backed by the Chinese Communist Party, published an article in late August saying the Australian ban would not necessarily "cause a domino effect in Western countries." Ironically, this hints at Beijing's nervousness about such an outcome.
在世界各地,無線科技巨頭正在與本國政府合作, 提出發展5G的制勝戰略。5G是下一代蜂窩網絡, 有望提供超快網速,催生一系列新應用。
美國、中國、韓國和日本在這場競賽的初期領跑。 美國電話電報公司(AT&T Inc., T)和Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ)計劃從今年晚些時候開始逐個城市推出5G, 而中國預計在2020年前實現5G全國覆蓋。
儘管無線行業高管表示, 能夠充分利用5G潛能的應用仍需數年才能面世, 包括自動駕駛汽車、虛擬現實和遠程手術,但從4G競賽的情況看, 搶得先機對一國經濟而言確實意義重大。 假如美國沒有在4G技術中捷足先登, 美國可能不會在移動技術領域占據主導地位, Instagram和Snapchat等美國平臺, 甚至Facebook Inc. (FB)和Netflix Inc. (NFLX)可能也不會在全球產生巨大影響。
共和黨人、前美國聯邦通訊委員會(Federal Communications Commission, 簡稱FCC)專員Rob McDowell表示,優步(Uber Technologies Inc.)、愛彼迎(Airbnb) 和Netflix這些企業的誕生源於4G技術, 此前沒有人預見到應用軟件經濟的到來。 5G技術令人興奮的地方在於,沒人能真正洞悉未來將發生什麼。
他說,如果美國的5G發展速度不夠快,那麼“ 將在全球範圍內處於競爭劣勢”。
美國官員已表示,贏得5G主導權對經濟和國家安全都至關重要。 這也是美國政府在為自己采取非常規措施遏制中國電信設備巨頭華為 技術有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)的做法辯護時述及的部分理由。 這些非常規舉措之一是禁止華為在美國銷售產品。
另外一個擔憂是,如果中國率先研發出普遍適用的5G技術, 那麼中國在試驗自動駕駛汽車和其他新興技術時將具有優勢, 進而可能取代矽谷成為領先的技術中心。
幾家科技巨頭試圖用白宮的一項首要任務—— 在新興無線技術5G領域取得領先地位——來反對對價值2, 000億美元中國商品加征關稅。英特爾公司、思科系統、 戴爾科技集團和其它幾家科技公司在尋求說服美國貿易代表辦公室取 消對一些產品加征關稅,它們稱, 這些產品對在美國推出5G無線服務至關重要。 英特爾在上周四向美國貿易代表辦公室提交的意見中稱, 所擬議的關稅將提高建造5G網絡所需商品的成本, 將放慢整個美國經濟采用技術的速度, 導致美國公司和機構落後於中國以外不受關稅限制的外國競爭對手。 美國貿易代表辦公室在評估這些意見, 然後將對加征關稅的具體產品作出最終決定。
在建5G移動通訊標準的全球競爭中,中國正在擴大領先優勢。本台專欄作者Frank Sieren認為,誰想在電子經濟領域扮演角色,就必須立即跟上5G網絡的步伐。
這是中國首次在一場科技革命中從一開始就站在同樣的水平上,甚至在引進全國性的5G網絡方面還可能領先於發達國家。據美國德勤諮詢公司(Deloitte)的一項研究,中國在這一領域現在就已超過領頭羊美國。中國有超過35萬個支持5G通訊的手機信號塔,是美國的10倍以上。英國諮詢公司Analysis Mason認為,中國的領先地位源於積極的政策和工業騰飛相結合。事實上,目前沒有哪個發達國家比中國具備更好的條件。
目前,歐洲在這一問題上和美國已經不在一條陣線上。歐洲需要中國的技術,以避免像LTE標準一樣陷入落後境地。據英國評測公司OpenSignal 的一項研究,在LTE領域,德國在36個歐洲國家中排名第32位,比阿爾巴尼亞還要落後一名。