There was, in Brett Kavanaugh’s Trumpian performance, not even a hint of the composure one would think a potential Supreme Court Justice would have carefully cultivated.
In an era of bile and tribalisation, Christine Blasey Ford displayed the calm temperament of a judge while the supreme court nominee lashed out
昨天太晚了,沒聽到這一幕:"在向參議院小組令人動容的作證中,克莉絲汀·貝絲利·福特(Christine Blasey Ford)博士對於最高法院提名人布拉特·卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)法官曾在高中時性侵自己的說法,做出了詳細描述。
這場聽證會有時候感覺像是一場審判,庭上有一名檢察官事無鉅細地代表共和黨參議員們仔細詢問貝絲利博士。貝絲利博士毫不動搖,堅稱自己的記憶清晰、誠實。 “我很獨立,不是任何人的棋子,”她表示。
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ABC News
Catch up on the biggest moments from Brett Kavanaugh's testimony:
"This is a circus."
"This has destroyed my family."
“I swear today under oath…I am innocent.”
"This has destroyed my family."
“I swear today under oath…I am innocent.”
接二連三的美國女權集團鬥Trump 總統:Third Kavanaugh accuser
Michael Avenatti says the woman, whom he represents, has multiple security clearances and will “literally risk her life’’ by coming forward.
Third Kavanaugh accuser, a former U.S. State and Mint employee, is '100 percent credible,' Avenatti says