
2020年5月29日 星期五

武漢,人間煉獄 LVI (56th、五十六):citizen journalist Zhang Zhan 張湛被關;,路透社 武漢檢測650萬人以平息恐懼。 研究人員在武漢醫院的空氣中發現病毒

In her last report posted to YouTube on May 13, citizen journalist Zhang Zhan 張湛, described how ‘human rights had suffered’ even after the lockdown ended. Two days later, she was detained by police.
2020/05/19 - Zhang Zhan, a 'journalist citizen' who disappeared in Wuhan, arrested. She accused the government of lying about the pandemic and depriving the Chinese people of their fundamental rights. She had been imprisoned as early ...

  • 武漢如何在兩週內檢測了650萬人


紐約時報   兩週650 萬次檢測, 武漢借地毯式排查消除恐懼 這場全民檢測運動已發現 200起新病例,大多數人沒有任何症狀。政府為此花費了數億美元,動員了數千名醫務人員和其他工作人員。儘管公衛專家對其必要性存在分歧,但支持者認為,這是恢復公眾信心、幫助重啟經濟的關鍵。
Residents wearing face masks lined up to get tested for the coronavirus at a residential compound in Wuhan last week.   Aly Song/Reuters

Wuhan tests millions to calm fears

In two weeks, the Chinese health authorities managed to administer 6.5 million tests for the coronavirus in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic began and where six new infections detected two weeks ago raised fears of a second wave of contagion.
The result: Only 200 cases were found, mostly people who showed no symptoms.
The blanket testing cost hundreds of millions of dollars and mobilized thousands of medical and other workers.
But this did not deter the government, which saw the testing as critical to restoring the public confidence needed to help restart the economy and return to some level of normalcy, our correspondents write.
Supporters of the testing drive said the true value of the campaign was not so much medical as psychological.
Quotable: “If there is no testing, everyone will still be scared,” said Guo Guangchang, head of Fosun, a Chinese conglomerate. “Many companies will have no way to resume production, and the service industry will have no customers.”

上週,戴著口罩的居民排隊等候在武漢的一個住宅區接受冠狀病毒檢測。艾莉·宋/路透社 武漢檢測數百萬人以平息恐懼
 結果:僅發現200例,大多數無症狀的人。 全面測試耗資數億美元,動員了數千名醫務人員和其他工人。 但這並沒有阻止政府,政府認為測試對於恢復公眾信心至關重要,這有助於重啟經濟並恢復一定水平的正常運轉,我們的通訊員寫道。

 驅動檢測的支持者表示,這場運動的真正價值不僅僅在於醫療,還在於心理。 報價:“如果沒有測試,每個人都會感到恐懼,”中國企業集團復星集團負責人郭光昌說。 “許多公司將無法恢復生產,服務行業也將沒有客戶。”

