U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll, Highest in World, Surpasses 100,000
Pompeo Says Hong Kong No Longer Has Autonomy Under China
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement indicated that the United States may end special trade and economic relations with the territory.
香港 美國 中國:美國國務卿蓬佩奧稱港不再獲美特殊待遇。PRC National People’s
Japan Airlines reportedly planned to land the flight at Haneda Airport, but changed it to Narita for direct flights to Taiwan
"We do not expect the transfer of suspects to the mainland for trial," says a member of China's top political advisory body.
加法院判符「雙重犯罪」標準 孟晚舟可引渡美國;是否真的引渡還要由加拿大司法部長決定。
Amazing news! New Zealand has NO coronavirus patients in hospital
Around the world, some countries have almost brought new coronavirus case numbers down to zero. Here's how:
A four-stage lockdown system
An apolitical, testing-focused approach
A speech convincing citizens to help fight the outbreak
2019/10/29 - 日前在廣播節目中大罵國民黨總統參選人韓國瑜「活在戒嚴時代」、「不讀書就是草包」