
2020年5月24日 星期日

悲欣人間 (15) :黎智英:我会战斗到最后。黃之鋒 Joshua Wong 【524前八件事】。 'Strategic positivity' needed...。《紐約時報》全版covid死者名單。Brazil’s Nurses Are Dying, Manet: Portraying Life。

黎智英:港人只剩移民或战斗两种选择 我会战斗到最后。 228:《蘋果》告急:經營困難;【香港突發】中共眼中釘壹傳媒創辦人黎智英被帶走。《我是黎智英》台北藍鯨,2005/商周 2007;《台灣壹週刊》停刊2020.2 From WSJ Opinion: There is no cure for Chinese communism except the collapse of the party, writes Jimmy Lai.


RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 华语 - 法国国际广播电台
黎智英:港人只剩移民或战斗两种选择 我会战斗到最后

黃之鋒 Joshua Wong

【524前八件事 —— 從反送中到反國安法,拜托大家最低限度,要將上年五月尾六月頭做過嘅野,搬返出來做一次。】






Exclusive: The Human Rights in China chief urged Hongkongers to persist and told HKFP that the UK should do more to confront Beijing.

"The fact that I don’t believe we should just give up on imperfect tools, on imperfect forums, on imperfect tribunals, on imperfect procedures does not mean I am optimistic," she said. "It means that we need to use everything that exists, recognise their limits and imperfections."

她說:“我不相信我們應該放棄不完善的工具,不完善的論壇,不完善的法庭,不完善的程序,這並不意味著我感到樂觀。” “這意味著我們需要利用現有的一切,認識到它們的局限性和缺陷。”

根據 Johns Hopkins University 有關全球武漢肺炎個案的統計網站的最新數字,美國確診人數超過 162 萬人,死亡人數超過 9.7 萬人,直逼 10 萬大關。美國《紐約時報》今天周日的頭版,用全版刊武漢肺炎病死者名單,指出疫症造成的損失之大難以計算 ...

Brazil is on track to become the newest hotspot in the coronavirus pandemic with more than 300,000 confirmed cases and at least 20,000 deaths from COVID-19.

The new coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout Brazil, overwhelming a health care system ill prepared to handle a pandemic of this magnitude.

Manet: Portraying Life

Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Academy of Arts

Breakfast in the Studio (the Black Jacket), 1868, New Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

The Tragic Actor (Rouvière as Hamlet), 1866, National Gallery of Art

