
2018年10月28日 星期日

談"愛爾蘭將憲法中的"褻瀆神明" (blasphemy)拿掉"之意義

當今還有許多基督教,穆斯林、共產黨等國,將"褻瀆神明" (blasphemy)定為死罪或重罪......

blasphemy :褻瀆神明;冒犯天主;詛咒天主:指褻瀆神明之言行。

Ireland to end 'medieval' ban on blasphemy after 64% of voters back removing if from the constitution 

  • Leo Varadkar said the referendum as a step towards a 21st century constitution 
  • More than 64 per cent of people voted for the change with 35 per cent opposing
  • Blasphemy was defined as publishing or uttering something 'grossly abusive' 

