
2018年10月28日 星期日

culture program of Charles V...A Distant Mirror A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman 遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀

《遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀》(A Distant Mirror, 1978 台北:廣場,2018)
比較頁316查理五世的圖書與 與Wikipedia 的Charles V (21 January 1338 – 16 September 1380), called "the Wise" (French: le Sage; Latin: Sapiens), was King of France from 1364 to his death,.... 之culture program:


A Distant Mirror The Calamitous 14th Century

 十四世紀的歐洲世界是什麼景象?如果有時光機器,你將看到黑死病(至少奪走三分之一的人口) 、戰爭、苛捐雜稅、腐敗的政府、失業軍人到處結夥掠奪、底層民眾起義造反、教廷分裂。而這一百年是歐洲從大一統基督教世界走向民族國家、主權國家關鍵的一百年。




  寫作緣起:作者塔克曼是成長於一戰後的歐美世界(1912年生),而她眼中所及是失業、經濟大恐慌、法西斯主義的崛起流行;她向歷史叩問可有近似的時代可供借鑑,最終讓她找到歐洲的十四世紀。這個世紀的歐洲黑死病(至少奪走1/ 3人口) 、戰爭、苛捐雜稅、腐敗的政府、掠奪、貧民起義造反、宗教信仰分裂,可是卻能隨之誕生了「文藝復興」,並且「文藝復興」還是後來西方開創盛世成為全球主角的基石。因此,這個世紀的故事或許能給困惑於兩次世界大戰後的世人些許啟發。


  本書於1980年榮獲美國國家圖書獎(Nations Book Award in History)



  出色的作品,審慎與通篇的嚴謹展現出的學院水準……塔克曼很高竿地告訴我們14世紀的真實景象……其成果無人出其左右。——The New York Review of Books

  芭芭拉‧塔克曼其才華的顛峰之作……一部非常好看耐看、獻給大眾的歷史作品——The Wall Street Journal



美國最會說故事的歷史學者之一——芭芭拉‧塔克曼(Barbara W. Tuchman)


  塔克曼,其父親擁有The Nation雜誌,她外公(亨利‧摩根索)是美國駐鄂圖曼帝國的大使。她畢業於紐約華頓中學、拉德克利夫學院;畢業後的1934-1935年在日本東京為總部設於紐約的太平洋關係協會進行研究。1937年去了西班牙的馬德里與瓦倫西亞,進行西班牙內戰的第一線報導。(1938年出版了她的第一部作品The Lost British Policy: British and Spain Since 1700)

  二戰期間,塔克曼服務於美國戰時情報局;戰後花了十年的時間完成了關於巴勒斯坦與以色列問題的研究—Bible and Sword: English and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour。1978年,塔克曼成為美國人文與科學院(American Academy of Arts and Science)會員;隔年當選為創立於1898年的American Academy of Arts and Letters首位女性主席。作者在1980年榮獲兩項殊榮:1. 《遠方之鏡》榮獲美國國家圖書獎(. National Book Award in History));2.當年度塔克曼被國家人文基金會推選為「傑弗遜講座」,該講座是美國聯邦政府在人文方面的最高榮譽。






第二章 生而不幸:世紀
第三章 青春與騎士精神
第四章 戰爭
第五章 「這是世界末日」:黑死病
第六章 普瓦捷會戰
第七章 群龍無首的法蘭西:布爾喬亞的興起與扎克雷農扎克雷農民起義
第八章 英格蘭人質
第九章 昂蓋朗與伊莎貝拉
第十章 邪惡之子
第十一章 鍍金裹屍布
第十二章 一仆二主
第十三章 庫西的戰爭
第十四章 英格蘭的騷亂
第十五章 皇帝在巴黎
第十六章 教廷分裂

第十七章 庫西的崛起
第十八章 蟲豸斗雄獅
第十九章 意大利的誘惑
第二十章 第二次諾曼征服
第二十一章 虛構之瓦解
第二十二章 巴巴里圍攻
第二十三章 在一座黑暗的叢林中
第二十四章 死亡之舞
第二十五章 錯失良機
第二十六章 尼科波利斯
第二十七章 天空張起黑幕


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A Distant Mirror
A Distant Mirror.jpg
AuthorBarbara Tuchman
CountryUnited States
PublishedAlfred A. Knopf, 1978
Media typePrint (paperback, hardcover)
AwardsNational Book Award, 1980
A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century is a narrative history book by the American historian Barbara Tuchman, first published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1978. It won a 1980 U.S. National Book Award in History.[1][a] The main title, A Distant Mirror, conveys Tuchman's idea that the death and suffering of the 14th century reflect that of the 20th century, especially the horrors of World War I.


The book's focus is the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages suffered by Europe in the 14th century. Drawing heavily on Froissart's Chronicles, Tuchman recounts the Hundred Years' War, the Black Plague, the Papal Schism, pillaging mercenariesanti-Semitism, popular revolts including the Jacquerie in France, the liberation of Switzerland, the Battle of the Golden Spurs, and peasant uprisings. She also discusses the advance of the Islamic Ottoman Empire into Europe, ending in the disastrous Battle of Nicopolis. Yet Tuchman's scope is not limited to political and religious events. She begins with a discussion of the Little Ice Age, a change in climate that reduced the average temperature of Europe until the 18th century, and describes the lives of all social classes, from nobles and clergymen to the peasantry.
Much of the narrative is woven around the life of the French nobleman Enguerrand de Coucy. Tuchman chose him as a central figure partly because he lived a relatively long life and could therefore stay in the story during most of the 14th century. (Coucy was born in 1340, seven years before the Black Death began in southern Italy. He died in 1397.) He was also close to much of the action, tied to both France and England. (Coucy was a French noble but he married Isabella, the eldest daughter of Edward III of England.)

Critical reception[edit]

A Distant Mirror received much popular acclaim. A reviewer in the monthly history magazine History Today described it as an enthralling work full of "vivid pen-portraits."[2] In The SpectatorDavid Benson called it "an exciting and even bracing" book which did away with many sentimental myths about the Middle Ages.[3] It also received a favorable review in the Los Angeles Times,[4] though in the Saturday ReviewTed Morgan described it as a "noble failure."[5]
However, scholarly reaction was more muted. In the journal Speculum, Charles T. Wood praised Tuchman's narrative abilities but described the book as a "curiously dated and old-fashioned work" and criticized it for being shaped by the political concerns of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s.[6] Bernard S. Bachrach criticized Tuchman's reliance on secondary sources and dated translations of medieval narratives at the expense of archival research, and characterized the book as a whole as "a readable fourteenth-century version of the Fuzz n' Wuz (cops and corpses) that dominates the evening news on television."[7] Thomas Ohlgren agreed with many of Bachrach's criticisms, and further took issue with many perceived anachronisms in Tuchman's characterization of the medieval world and a lack of scholarly rigor.[8] William McNeill, writing in the Chicago Tribune, thought that A Distant Mirror, while well-written on a technical level, didn't present an intelligible picture of the period.[9]

