
2021年11月15日 星期一

地球,人間煉獄 CLXVII (167期) :英國 NHS 誰可以接種 COVID-19 加強疫苗 Who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine

 地球,人間煉獄 CLXVII (167期) :

英國 NHS

誰可以接種 COVID-19 加強疫苗

NHS 將為最有可能感染 COVID-19 且至少在 6 個月前接種過第二劑疫苗的人提供加強疫苗劑量。





16 歲及以上的人的健康狀況使他們面臨因 COVID-19 而患上重病的高風險

16 歲及以上的人,他們是 COVID-19 高危人群的主要照顧者

16 歲及以上與更容易感染的人(例如感染 HIV、接受過移植或正在接受某些癌症、狼瘡或類風濕性關節炎治療的人)住在一起的人


Who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine

Booster vaccine doses will be available on the NHS for people most at risk from COVID-19 who have had a 2nd dose of a vaccine at least 6 months ago.

This includes:

  • people aged 50 and over
  • people who live and work in care homes
  • frontline health and social care workers
  • people aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
  • people aged 16 and over who are a main carer for someone at high risk from COVID-19
  • people aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)

People who are pregnant and in 1 of the eligible groups can also get a booster dose.



The U.S. appears to be once again at an inflection point, with cold weather setting in across much of the North, COVID-19 restrictions relaxed and gatherings growing more frequent.

Vaccines protect pregnant women, newborns
New research finds that they produce effective antibodies against COVID-19 in pregnant and lactating women, and help confer immunity on new babies.


Putting a price on trimming COVID risk
Public health researcher Lisa Robinson looks at costs and benefit of pandemic rules and the complexities in valuing averted deaths.


