
2021年11月12日 星期五

地球,人間煉獄 CLXIV (164期) :J&J plans to split into two companies. 北歐四國嚴陣以待新嚴峻疫情;瑞典在大流行中不再突出. 奧國Austria可能對未打疫苗者設限 新加坡可能會叫/要求未接種而入院者者付費 $18,000 以上。疫苗有"預防"功能,藥丸沒。爭議:Covid 疫苗保護力會日降,可這多嚴重。台灣:醫療巨人與預防侏儒──應重新審視台灣失衡的公衛體系


Sweden no longer stands out in the pandemic, according to the country’s chief epidemiologist who championed its unique approach in the early phase of the crisis, as the Scandinavian nation prepares for a rise in new cases and hospitalisations.瑞典首席流行病學家在危機初期支持其獨特的方法,據該國首席流行病學家稱,瑞典在大流行中不再突出,因為這個斯堪的納維亞國家正在為新病例和住院人數的增加做準備。Google

LATEST: Singapore's unvaccinated Covid patients could be forced to pay medical bills of more than $18,000 under new rules.

Studies show vaccines' protection against Covid wanes over time. How much that matters is up for debate.



#評論【醫療巨人與預防侏儒──疫情趨緩,我們應重新審視台灣失衡的公衛體系】 疫情爆發一年多來,台灣防疫手段大多是由上而下,中央流行疫情指揮中心發出指令,地方衛生單位宣導,民眾配合執行勤洗手、戴口罩及保持社交距離等個人防護行動,雖然發揮效果,但公衛專家陳美霞指出,指揮中心做法過於專注「醫療」與個人,忽視「預防」與群體的重要性,也少了運用基層集體智慧,例如:民眾除了保護自己,還能在疾病風險溝通、謠言制止、資源協調、情緒安撫、組織動員及意見反饋等方面發揮積極作用,健全社區防疫網。台灣公衛政策是從何時開始從預防轉向醫療?為何預防部門弱化、醫療商品化及市場化,不利於防治傳染病疫情?本文以近半世紀的歷史數據檢視台灣公衛體系的失衡,並對台灣的防疫提出反思。https://bit.ly/3H7K4p3 ★提供觀點,促進思辨,#贊助報導者:http://bit.ly/2Ef3Xfh #報導者#公共衛生#醫療#預防#傳染病#防疫

5 hours ago — Health-care conglomerate Johnson & Johnson announced plans Friday to split its consumer products business from its pharmaceutical and ...


Analysis: COVID-19 pills are coming, but no substitute for vaccines, disease experts say

"By relying exclusively on an antiviral drug, it's a bit of a roll of the dice in terms of how you will do. Clearly, it's going to be better than nothing, but it's a high-stakes game to play," said Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine expert and professor of molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine.


地球,人間煉獄CLXIII (163期) 德國疫情第四波每日更嚴重:確診病例首超5萬,死亡235人。COVID與傷腦How COVID Might Sow Chaos in the Brain; 2022年,疫情大部分會大緩Life in much of the world is likely to return to normal next year.........澳洲: 60歲以上, 8成完成兩劑疫苗注射。3.4萬!德國單日新增感染人數創新高。中國

