
2020年8月27日 星期四

美國向雅培購買1.5億張2019冠狀病毒病快速檢測卡。中國製 華大基因BGI Genomics 新冠試劑出大包,導致 3700 瑞典人現「偽陽性」 Sweden uncovers 3,700 false positives from faulty Chinese-made coronavirus test kits

這可能只是"中國價"的2~3倍 (未考慮品質及其他如時間,準確之優缺點)

#搵大陸公司檢測冇確診都變有確診【港府邀請華大基因提供全民檢測 瑞典採用同機構檢測出現假確診😰
另一邊廂,得悉政府現正物色過百個社區場地作檢測中心,不論是醫管局員工陣線抑或不少民主派區議員已經表明檢測過程會導致人群聚集,加上收集樣本過程容易出現飛沫、咳嗽、噴嚏,增加社區傳播風險,紛紛公開反對 ( https://www.facebook.com/107732697364538/posts/194313422039798/ )。

Thousands of people in Sweden will be contacted by health authorities in the coming days after they received false positives on coronavirus self-tests that have been used in countries around the world.

The inaccuracy was discovered in two laboratories in Sweden, which carried out quality control tests and found that around 3,700 people had received what the Public Health Agency described as "likely false positives".
"Two Swedish laboratories have discovered deficiencies in a CE-marked so-called test kit that was used to show if you have an ongoing Covid-19 infection. Due to the error, the test method has not been able to distinguish between low levels of Covid-19 virus and negative samples," said the Public Health Agency in a statement.
It added that it had reported the self-test kits, which it said had been exported from China to several countries around the world, to other European health authorities as well as the World Health Organisation.
Inaccurate test results were discovered in nine Swedish regions and date back to March: 

Sweden uncovers 3,700 false positives from faulty Chinese-made coronavirus test kits

  • Sweden said the PCR kits were from a Chinese company called BGI Genomics  
  • The testing kits were used by Swedes between the months of March and August
  • Mostly, 'people who had mild symptoms or who didn't feel any symptoms at the time of the test received false positive results,' the public health agency said


180 個試劑接收國剉咧等/中國製新冠試劑出大包,導致 3700 瑞典人現「偽陽性」|太報

