
2018年7月12日 星期四

Agile manufacturing, "agile management"

近20年來,Agile manufacturing漸流行,不過,仍然是些 不清楚的術語,迷糊戰。

The fashion for agile management is spreading

Executives need to be a cross between Spider-Man and Simone Biles
  • Agile manufacturing, an organization able it to respond quickly to customer needs and market changes

西蒙·艾莉安·拜爾斯英語:Simone Arianne Biles,1997年3月14日)是一位知名的美國女子競技體操選手。曾在2013年到2015年間,連續獲得三次世界競技體操錦標賽全美競技體操資格賽女子體操全能金牌。以及三次全美賽自由體操金牌、兩次世錦賽平衡木金牌。她也是2015年美國年度最佳女運動員。
拜爾斯是歷史上第一位獲得連續三年女子體操全能金牌的非裔女性,同時目前也是世錦賽歷史紀錄中,首次在短短三年內就累積10面金牌的女子體操選手。她知名的體操動作為直體前空翻兩周半(double layout half out),跳躍與平衡落地能力在女子競技體操領域為難得一見的精湛,擅長自由體操、平衡木、跳馬。

Simone Biles - Wikipedia

Simone Arianne Biles (born March 14, 1997) is an American artistic gymnast. Biles is the 2016 Olympic individual all-around, vault and floor gold medalist, and balance beam bronze medalist. She was part of the gold medal-winning team ...

The ability of a leader to be able to lead well in a wide range of circumstances especially new, changing and ambiguous situations.


Agile Leadership is associated with mode four leaders (Modes of Leadership) who have the ability (and agility) to operate in any mode (system of thinking) and most importantly see from the perspectives of the other modes. It is this ability to think in a number of different ways that gives such leaders their agility. This is also introduced within the concepts of Agile Business Management[1] as the primary management model for adaptive and agile organisations.


The attributes associated with Agile Leadership are (from Iacocca & Witney[2] and Wilkinson[3]):
  1. Ambiguity tolerance
  2. Curiosity
  3. Creativity
  4. Courage
  5. Conviction
  6. Emotional Resilience
  7. Critical Thinking
  8. Vision
  9. Flexibility

Agile Business Management[edit]

Within Agile Business Management, the primary job of an Agile Leader is to encourage and empower cross-functional teams. This demands that team members are granted sufficient personal responsibility, accountability and authority to deliver the customers’ requirements. An Agile Leader can support this in three ways:
  1. Provide an environment where it is safe to fail.
  2. Provide all the information necessary to make appropriate decisions.
  3. Uphold decisions made by the staff.
There are two primary anti-patterns for an Agile Leader; micromanagement and absenteeism. If a process is under control, and within allowed tolerances, staff should have the authority to deliver, without management intervention. This assumes a robust monitoring and reporting process, to identify when management intervention becomes required. This brings us to the other extreme, an absentee manager. A manager is ‘absentee’, even if they are physically in the office, if they do not monitor or engage with their staff to ensure delivery. Without a manager to eliminate impediments, it becomes nearly impossible to meet any schedules or budgets.[4]

