地球,人間煉獄 CLXLVI (196期) :
- 美國最高法院週四阻擋了拜登政府針對大型民營企業的新冠疫苗接種
或測試規定,推翻了政府在工作場所抗擊新冠病毒的最激進措施。 然而, 最高法院在針對醫療健康行業的疫苗規定方面給了政府更大的自由。
Beijing’s Winter Olympics may hasten China’s break with the West
Soon, many thousands will arrive from a world that is living with covid—though not foreign spectators, who are barred. China plans to manage this threat by sealing games venues inside secure bubbles
discrepancy, sullenness, Leap Day, grinning host, rapid transmission and vaccination discrepancies
Rapid transmission and vaccination discrepancies are part of the explanation
We’ve known the dangers of antimicrobial resistance for years. What if we used what we learned from covid to tackle it?