
2022年1月24日 星期一

地球,人間煉獄 CLXLIX (199期):全球醫護人力荒;布質口罩不足以擋病毒。In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms「腦霧」(Brain Fog)症狀。不要過於自信There is a case for cautious optimism

 地球,人間煉獄 CLXLIX (199期):

NIH and other researchers are beginning to study why, in rare cases, #coronavirus vaccines may leave people with #LongCovid–like symptoms.

In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms
In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms
Brain fog, headaches, blood pressure swings a

Omicron 肆虐全球至今,一直認為多屬輕症,可當成普通感冒看待,英國最新研究指出,約四分之一 Omicron 感染者出現「腦霧」(Brain Fog)症狀,嚴重的話會影響工作或日常生活專注度和記憶力,甚至是終身後遺症。

英國 ZOE 成立的新冠肺炎研究小組,以疫情追蹤應用程式「ZOE 新型冠狀病毒疾病症狀研究」(ZOE COVID Symptom Study),歸納出 Omicron 五大症狀,包括流鼻水、頭痛、疲勞、打噴嚏,雖與與普通感冒相似,但每 4 個人就有 1 人會出現「腦霧」(Brain Fog)症狀。


日本岐阜大學腦神經內科學教授下畑享良表示,「腦霧」過去主要出現在後遺症,但「ZOE」統計結果顯示,現在「急性期」也就是剛罹病期間,就有 25% 出現腦霧症狀,若症狀長時間持續,甚至可能影響終身。.....

The variant’s economic effects look likely to fade rapidly. But the global recovery from the lockdowns of 2020 is still uneven

How is Omicron affecting the global economic recovery?
How is Omicron affecting the global economic recovery?
There is a case for cautious optimism



A Shrinking Band of Southern Nurses, Neck-Deep in Another Covid Wave

The exodus of medical workers during the pandemic has been brutal for the small, nonprofit safety-net hospitals that treat millions.


Students will need to wear "well-fitting, non-cloth masks with a nose wire" both indoors and outdoors.

Los Angeles school district tells students to upgrade from cloth masks
Los Angeles school district tells students to upgrade from cloth masks
Students will have to wear "well-fitting, non-cloth

