
2021年5月4日 星期二

地球,人間煉獄 CXVII (117thT、117期) :台灣疫情升溫。非洲國家接種速度須加快。The ECONOMIST駐新德里記者的疫情日記:疫情來得太突然、太猛,家人完全在家"禁足"。澳洲、香港的措施反悔;新疫苗方式;歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)5月4日宣布開始滾動性評估中國產 科興疫苗。世界疫情至少持續到2022年年中

  地球,人間煉獄 CXVII (117thT、117期) :

#歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)5月4日宣布開始滾動性評估中國產 #科興疫苗 的有效性以及安全性。這是快速批准這款中國疫苗在歐洲上市的第一步。

與此同時,#世界衛生組織 宣布將於週內決定是否批准兩款中國產疫苗的緊急使用。



“Everything has changed, with a speed that we still cannot comprehend”. Read our correspondent’s diary from Delhi
India’s second wave of covid-19 feels nothing like its first
India’s second wave of covid-19 feels nothing like its first
Correspondent’s diary

The surge of coronavirus infections in developing countries such as India amid a relative scarcity of vaccine supply means that the pandemic will keep spreading until mid-2022, according to the inventors of the BioNTech vaccine.
BioNTech is working on getting approval for a version of its COVID-19 vaccine which can be stored in fridges of 2 to 8 degree celsius for up to 6 months, Chief Executive Ugur Sahin said on Tuesday.

‘Africa and other under-vaccinated parts of the world urgently need to catch up’. https://on.ft.com/3vFhVPH


Australia's PM fends off ‘blood on his hands’ charges and retreats from threat to jail Australians trying to escape COVID-hit India.

The policy U-turn came after unions representing the city's domestic workers lodged a complaint with the Equal Opportunities Commission.

