
2021年4月26日 星期一

地球,人間煉獄 CVII (107th、107期) :Tracking the pandemic across the world (the ECONOMIST);【政經觀察】印度爆發全球最大疫情危機 莫迪(Narendra Modi)權力掌控受威脅。紐約時報英文標題。計畫中的旅遊開放,是福是禍:普吉,大失所望;美國人去歐洲?

 地球,人間煉獄 CVII (107th、107期) :

India is suffering a severe second wave, fuelled by new variants of covid-19. Find out how our data team is tracking the virus across South Asia
Free to read | Tracking the pandemic across the world
Free to read | Tracking the pandemic across the world
Our global tracker, updated daily


【政經觀察】印度爆發全球最大疫情危機 莫迪權力掌控受威脅
近期,印度第二波疫情如海嘯般襲來,現在已成全球疫情新「震央」。新德里、孟買已經實施封鎖,只聽得到救護車的響警號,但是對莫迪(Narendra Modi,見圖)政府應對疫情不力的指責聲卻越來越大。「在這關鍵時刻,他在爭取選票而不是抗擊疫情,社區活動家Panchanan Maharana說,他以前支持莫迪的政策,但現在打算支持其他政黨,「他沒能實現目標,他應該停止各種講話,而把精力投入到挽救人們的生命和生計上。」



An acute oxygen shortage in India's hospitals has left people begging for air.
Desperate relatives have been pleading for oxygen outside in the street as many coronavirus patients have been turned away by overcrowded hospitals.
Read more here: https://trib.al/l9kobFv

Crematoriums are working around the clock in many Indian cities, including New Delhi and Bangalore, to cope with increasing Covid-19 fatalities, as grieving families wait for hours to cremate their deceased relatives.
📸 Jewel Samad and Money Sharma in Delhi and Manjunath Kiran in Bangalore





Phuket Was Poised for Tourism Comeback. A Covid Surge Dashed Those Hopes.


Phuket Was Poised for Tourism Comeback. A Covid Surge Dashed Those Hopes.

By Hannah Beech and Adam Dean

Phuket, one of Thailand’s top tourist havens, had an ambitious plan to reopen to the world this summer. But with a spike in cases, the island’s desperate situation is unlikely to end anytime soon.



As Virus Rages Abroad, Biden Promises to Ship Millions of Vaccines

President Biden will send up to 60 million doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine to countries pleading for help, so long as the doses clear a safety review.

Here’s what Covid-19 “vaccine passports” look like around the world.


E.U. Set to Let Vaccinated U.S. Tourists Visit This Summer

E.U. Set to Let Vaccinated U.S. Tourists Visit This Summer

By Matina Stevis-Gridneff

The head of the European Commission said the bloc would switch policy, under certain conditions, after more than a year of mostly banning nonessential travel.

