
2020年6月8日 星期一

Donald J. Trump 總統的二則指《紐約時報》CNN等媒體是 Fake的臉書貼文

 Donald J. Trump 總統的二則指《紐約時報》CNN等媒體是 Fake的臉書貼文

紐約時報這次差,它是Fake New.

Donald J. Trump 總統

Opinion Editor at the New York Times just walked out. That’s right, he quit over the excellent Op-Ed penned by our great Senator Tom Cotton. TRANSPARENCY! The State of Arkansas is very proud of Tom. The New York Times is Fake News!!!

《紐約時報》觀點與評論主編James Bennet離任 。此前,Bennet負責的觀點與評論版面發表了一篇飽受批評的文章,這篇由共和黨參議員Tom Cotton撰寫的文章呼籲對抗議民眾採取軍事手段,引發輿論嘩然。時報出版人A·G·蘇茲伯格在聲明中稱,時報在“編輯過程中出現了重大失誤”。



I have retained highly respected pollster, McLaughlin & Associates, to analyze todays CNN Poll (and others), which I felt were FAKE based on the incredible enthusiasm we are receiving. Read analysis for yourself. This is the same thing they and others did when we defeated Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016. They are called SUPPRESSION POLLS, and are put out to dampen enthusiasm. Despite 3 ½ years of phony Witch Hunts, we are winning, and will close it out on November 3rd!

