
2014年12月11日 星期四

German cabinet approves female boardroom quota legislation更多女性參與會更好。嗯,理論上是這樣的。

German cabinet approves female boardroom quota legislation

The German cabinet has approved a plan to introduce a 30 percent quota for
women in the country's boardrooms. Small businesses are also to be required
to take steps to improve workplace equality.

The www.dw.de Article

Lex專欄:女CEO表現如何?Lex_Women on boards英國《金融時報》 Lex專欄
More women is better. Well, that's the theory. Studies conducted by the likes of Goldman Sachs, the UN and McKinsey have suggested that greater gender balance in the boardroom improves financial results. That, in turn, has encouraged various countries to consider quotas. Norway went first, requiring listed companies to reserve 40 per cent of board seats for women from 2008. Spain and France have followed, setting targets for 2015 and 2017. Germany and the UK are now considering the idea. Even the European Union might consider mandatory measures if its call for voluntary action does not catch on. So how are women doing when it comes to steering companies through choppy recessionary waters? That's not so clear.
有更多女性參與會更好。嗯,理論上說是這樣的。諸如高盛(Goldman Sachs)、聯合國(UN)和麥肯錫(McKinsey)等機構的研究都表明,提高董事會中男女比例的均衡程度,有利於改善公司盈利狀況。這一理論進而鼓勵各國考慮為女性留出配額。最早採取行動的是挪威。該國規定,從2008年起,上市公司的女性董事比例必須達到40%以上。西班牙和法國緊隨其後,分別制定了2015年和2017年的目標。德國和英國也正考慮出台類似舉措。歐盟(EU)則要求企業採取自願行動,但假如企業沒有領會個中真意,歐盟也可能考慮強制性措施。那麼,當經濟處於波濤洶湧的退潮期時,負責掌舵的女士們表現如何呢?答案並非一目了然。
Take the UK. Thirteen companies in the FTSE 100 and 250 indices have female chief executives. Seven of those have outperformed the FTSE All-Share, on a total return basis, over the past year (to December 22). That happens to be the average.
以英國為例。富時100和富時250兩大指數的成分股公司中,共有13家公司由女性首席執行官掌舵。在過去一年裡(截至12月22日),以總體回報水平衡量,其中有7家公司的表現勝於富時全股指數(FTSE All-Share)。這是平均而言。
Spreading the exercise into Europe is more difficult. There are no female bosses at France's CAC 40 companies and the best-known torchbearer there was Areva's Anne Lauvergeon. She left in July and her (male) successor ​​quickly announced a very large asset writedown. In Germany, Ines Kolmsee runs steel and iron refiner SKW Metallurgie but that has been a sorry underperformer against the broad CDAX index.
在歐洲進行類似的分析就比較困難了。法國CAC 40指數的成分股公司中,沒有一家由女性掛帥。該國最知名的“火炬手”是阿海琺(Areva)的羅薇中(Anne Lauvergeon)。她已於7月離職,繼任者(男性)則迅速宣布了數額龐大的資產減記措施。在德國,伊奈斯•科爾姆瑟(Ines Kolmsee)掌管著鋼鐵冶煉公司SKW Metallurgie,但令人遺憾,這家公司的表現遜色於大盤指數CDAX。
How about Norway, that bastion of enlightenment, where the female share of board seats is double that in the US, France or Germany? In a Bloomberg ranking of 91 world equity indices, the Oslo All Share index was outside the top two dozen, beating the French and German markets but still outshone by the FTSE All-Share. True, this is a rough exercise compared with McKinsey's work, but still food for thought. Sorry, sisterhood.
在開明的堡壘、女性董事比例為美法德等國兩倍的挪威,情況如何呢?在彭博社(Bloomberg)對世界各地91個股指的排行中,奧斯陸全股指數(Oslo All Share)排在24名之後,比法國和德國的股指靠前,但落後於英國的富時全股指數。和麥肯錫的研究相比,本文只是一個粗疏的分析,但仍可以作為思考的“食糧”。得罪了,女同胞們。



