
2019年5月2日 星期四

做為Trump總統的人肉牆與貴賓。 美國建廠項目遜於預期之際,郭台銘與特朗普會談;Democrats Threaten Barr With Contempt After He Skips House Hearing

截至去年12月31日,富士康在芒特普萊森特工廠項目僅僅支出了9,900萬美元,相當於承諾投資額的1%。該公司此前預計到2019年年底將在該州雇用多達2,080名本地員工,但截至去年年底這一數字還不到200人。" WSJ


Barr acts as Trump's  human shield.

human shield
  1. a person or group of people held near a potential target to deter attack.

Human shield war postcard by Sergey Solomko
Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these combat targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Using this tactic is considered a war crime by nations that are parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, and the 1998 Rome Statute.[1]

Democrats Threaten Barr With Contempt After He Skips House Hearing

  • Attorney General William P. Barr left Democratic lawmakers fuming when he failed to appear at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.
  • Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused Mr. Barr of lying to Congress at a hearing in April, which she said was a “crime.”

