Firms need to recognise that introverts bring distinctive skills to their jobs. They may talk less in meetings, but they tend to put more thought into what they say
Blogs by Hanching Chung
- 參議員否決總統提案將立下危險的先例,讓個別外國人可訴美國政府
- Uber and Amazon want to compete with UPS, FedEx, a...
- 臺大矽谷中心
- Watching on Mute, I Still Knew the Score
- Wells Fargo Chief Forfeits $41 Million Amid Scanda...
- 三星溢價優勢之挑戰與維護: Samsung Expands Early-Stage Tech Funds
- Deutsche Bank's shares have fallen to a fresh low....
- 輔大性侵案與"Give the benefit of the doubt"
- 我贊同柯文哲和莫克爾的作法
- 八仙塵爆案 傷者26日赴新北市府抗議
- 《壹週刊》退輔會另創《鏡週刊》: 遠離政治!謝國樑公開宣布與鏡傳媒分道揚鑣
- Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street, N...
- 談"文藝復興式領導者的條件"說 (蘋論)
- 政界要人的顧問公司:Kissinger Associates 及Tony Blair 的
- 頂尖專家: 天資vs 努力練習
- 談所謂"神密客訪查顧問公司"
- 評論:領導力是"藝術",科學方面所知有限Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic:What S...
- 德意志銀行可能被罰140億美金
- 蘋論:基礎建設鬼打架; 中國將在英國 Bradwell興建核反應爐
- 沈政男:關心政策制定
- Fire Risk. Samsung: strong demand for the Note 7
- 陸客團經營者的高風險
- 台電續編8.5億核四封存預算; Opentaipower破功:完封林全的指令(方儉)
- The Anti-Anxiety iPhone;誤會?: iPhone 7被罵翻 (美學退步、對用...
- 現代商務世界的關連密切,對大公司或國家而言,"失誤" 的代價不輕!Samsung 的自製鋰電池有自燃...
- The countries that invented points-based immigrati...
- 蘋論:年金改革的三迷霧:國家沒有破產問題、「信賴保護原則」、不得溯及既往
- 公司應該更重用"內向的"員工
- 兆豐金新董座將向蔡友才及董事會提告求償
- German-based Zalando SE 電商
- Amazon and Starbucks pay less tax than sausage sta...