
2019年4月10日 星期三

Collective leadership 集體領導

Collective leadership is a social process aimed at accomplishingcollective rather than individual goals and it requires collectiveand coordinated action. Terms such as 'collaborative', 'shared', 'distributive' or 'emergent' leadership are often used to describe very similar concepts.Aug 18, 2015

Web results

Feb 1, 2018 - What is collective leadership? These days we hear a lot about “leaderful” organizations where all staff are engaged. Sounds great, but how is ...
Aug 23, 2018 - What is collective leadership and why do we need it in today's uncertain and high-speed world? Ten Benefits of Collective Leadership. How to ...
Collective leadership is a distribution of power within an organisational structure. It is considered an ideal form of ruling a communist party, both within and ...
集體領導(英語:Collective Leadership),被一些政治派別認定「一種寡頭統治的形式」,通常存在於共產黨管理的社會主義國家裡。不過,「集體領導」這個詞語本身的主旨是指:將某些「權能」從個人(比如,黨主席)分配到一個集體中由多人共同決策的意思。

Friday 4/12: Join us for a talk by Prof. Lim Jaehwan on "The Rise and Decline of Collective Leadership in China: An Institutional Approach" (w/ Prof. Joe Fewsmith as chair/discussant): https://harvard-yenching.org/…/rise-and-decline-collective-…

