
2019年4月27日 星期六


德語媒體:中國作出了讓步 儘管峰會前氣氛壓抑,但周二的歐中峰會仍然取得突破,雙方共同發表的聯合聲明中,中方承諾為歐洲企業提供公平的競爭環境。

中國如果在平等對外資企業上,算50分,可過去約十年,中國仗勢他是13億人口的市場,訂種種吃人(外商)的法規,目標中國90分勢力,外商10分,不繳械的話, 滾回去.........

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At the same time, said Mr Lauria, companies such as Lucent were also looking to sell into the fast-growing Chinese market, helping keep revenues afloat, but also sewing the seed for China’s eventual domination. “Whenever we sold to the Chinese, they would demand that we manufacture locally and that we hand over the technology to our Chinese partners,” he said. “Western companies needed the revenue growth, and that meant we had to play by their rules.”


