
2020年3月31日 星期二

Opinion | Coronavirus Models of Uncertainty. Margaret Heffernan: Is it time to embrace uncertainty? Uncharted: How to Navigate the Future

From WSJ Opinion: As the bad news arrives, it’s important to understand that the worst-case-scenarios that many in the media trumpet are far from a certain fate.

Margaret Heffernan: Is it time to embrace uncertainty?

HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur interviews acclaimed writer and businesswoman Margaret Heffernan, who has just published a book on the fallacies of forecasting.


Uncharted: How to Navigate the Future Kindle Edition

  • 列印長度: 256
  • 出版商:Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster (2020年9月8日)

Wikipedia, 2020.3.24
Margaret Heffernan (born 1955[1]) is an entrepreneur, CEO, writer and keynote speaker.[2] She is currently a part-time lecturer at the University of Bath School of Management in England.[3]
Heffernan is the former chief executive officer of five businesses[4] and is the writer of five books that explores business and effective leadership.[5] She teaches entrepreneurship, mentors executives as part of a leadership development company,[6] and speaks to corporations, associations and universities about continuous innovation and the role leaders have helping newly hired employees.[3]
While Heffernan’s first two books focused on these issues and how they impact women in the workplace, her overarching theme is recognizing and releasing the talent that often lies buried inside organizations, under-valued and under-rewarded because it is unconventional. Heffernan’s voice is primarily one of critical challenge, taking little at face value and regularly questioning received wisdom.[7][8][9]

