
2019年8月23日 星期五

Twitter、Facebook在8.19分別宣佈封鎖或刪除由中國政府用來操縱輿論的假帳號!YouTube Disables 210 Channels That Spread Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests據《紐約時報》報導 ,通過其官方媒體機構,中國政府一直是Facebook廣告的大買家。 disinformation: China accused of spreading disinformation on Hong Kong: misinformation

YouTube Disables 210 Channels That Spread Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests
YouTube Disables 210 Channels That Spread Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests
Days after Facebook and Twitter cracked down on China-backed accounts that were spreading such disinformation, YouTube did the same.

Twitter 和 Facebook 刪除散播香港虛假資訊的賬號
Twitter Inc.週一稱,該公司撤下了 900 多個與中國政府有關的賬號,這些賬號散布有關香港抗議活動的虛假或誤導性政治資訊。Twitter 在一篇博文中稱,這些賬號專門故意試圖在香港製造政治不和,包括破壞抗議活動的合法性和政治立場。Twitter 稱已找到可靠證據,證明這是一次有政府支持的協同行動,但未提供更多細節。

.......“中國人一直在觀察,在俄羅斯的信息行動中,什麼是有用的,什麼是沒用的,”布魯基說。 “中國正在試探,哪些手段行之有效,哪些手段不會被逮到。”
“我認為,他們正試圖觸及香港說英語的人,以及更多的旁觀受眾,”美國對外關係委員會(Council on Foreign Relations)數字與網絡政策項目主任亞當·西格爾(Adam Segal)表示。
參與香港宣傳活動的大多數Twitter賬戶都是最近創建的,沒有多少關注者。研究媒體、虛假信息和信任領域的Mozilla研究員瑞內·迪雷斯塔(Renee DiResta)表示。 “這幾乎可以說明,中國在發展這種對外能力方面欠缺周詳的考慮,”她說。
自今年6月香港爆發反對引渡法案的抗議活動以來,這一運動已經發生了演變。週日, 該市再次舉行大規模遊行 。組織者說,這一次有170萬人——約佔該市700萬總人口的四分之一——不顧警方禁令走上街頭。
Twitter表示,在禁止國有媒體進行推文推廣的禁令生效之前,將給國有媒體一個月的時間離開其廣告平台。該禁令是在Twitter打擊俄羅斯虛假信息的努力基礎上發展起來的。 2017年,Twitter禁止克里姆林宮支持的國際新聞機構RT和俄羅斯衛星網(Sputnik)在其網站做廣告。
與Twitter不同,Facebook表示不會禁止國有媒體的廣告。該公司表示,將“繼續研究我們同國有媒體相關的政策”,並將密切審查在該公司發布的廣告,以便確定它們是否違反了公司政策。 據《紐約時報》報導 ,通過其官方媒體機構,中國政府一直是Facebook廣告的大買家。
One of China’s prominent state media outlets attacked Twitter and Facebook for closing accounts they said were attempting to manipulate news about Hong Kong protests.




2019年8月19日 星期一

disinformation: China accused of spreading disinformation on Hong Kong: misinformation

China accused of spreading disinformation on Hong Kong

Facebook and Twitter said they found evidence that China had been waging an information war, and the social media sites took down accounts that were spreading false information about the demonstrations in Hong Kong....

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Graphic showing differences between (deliberate) disinformation, unintentional misinformation, and hoaxaccording to Wikimedia Research
Disinformation is false information spread deliberately to deceive.[1][2][3]. This is a subset of misinformation, which also may be unintentional.
The English word disinformation is a loan translation of the Russian dezinformatsiya,[1][2][3] derived from the title of a KGB black propagandadepartment.[4] Joseph Stalin coined the term, giving it a French-sounding name to claim it had a Western origin.[1] Russian use began with a "special disinformation office" in 1923.[5] Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinion".[1][2][6] Operation INFEKTION was a Soviet disinformation campaign to influence opinion that the U.S. invented AIDS.[1][6][7] The U.S. did not actively counter disinformation until 1980, when a fake document reported that the U.S. supported apartheid.[8]
The word disinformation did not appear in English dictionaries until the late-1980s.[1][2] English use increased in 1986, after revelations that the Reagan Administration engaged in disinformation against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.[9] By 1990 it was pervasive in U.S. politics;[10] and by 2001 referred generally to lying and propaganda.[11][12]

Etymology and early usage[edit]

The English word disinformation, which did not appear in dictionaries until the late-1980s, is a translation of the Russian дезинформацияtransliterated as dezinformatsiya.[2][6][1] Where misinformation refers to inaccuracies that stem from error, disinformation is deliberate falsehood promulgated by design.[4] Misinformation can be used to define disinformation—when known misinformation is purposefully and intentionally disseminated.[13] Front groups are a form of disinformation, as they fraudulently mislead as to their actual controllers.[14]Disinformation tactics can lead to blowback, unintended negative problems due to the strategy, for example defamation lawsuits or damage to reputation.[14] Disinformation is primarily prepared by government intelligence agencies.[15]

Orwell: In a particularly ironic twist, Amazon’s virtual bookstore has seen an explosion of counterfeit digital versions of “1984,” “Animal Farm” and the author’s other famous works that have been edited and rewritten, becoming a form of misinformation themselves.

