
2016年11月20日 星期日

大眾汽車裁員人數佔比近5% VW's BlackBerry email server to clock off alongside the workers

【即時頭條】大眾汽車將裁員3萬人 節約39億美元開支
「這是向前邁出一大步,可能是公司史上最重大的一步,」大眾汽車品牌主管Herbert Diess在沃爾夫斯堡召開的新聞釋出會上表示,「由於該行業迫在眉睫的改變,所有製造商都必須自我重建。我們需要為這一風暴做好準備。」
截至法蘭克福時間11月18日11:17,大眾汽車股價上漲0.6%至118.30歐元,將2015年9月尾氣排放醜聞爆發以來的降幅收窄至27%。撰文/Christoph Rauwald

2011.12.23大眾汽車助員工擺脫黑莓“騷擾”VW's BlackBerry email server to clock off alongside the workers英國《金融時報》 克里斯•布賴恩特法蘭克福報導

The working day is over and the Christmas holiday has officially begun, but the blinking red light or vibration of a BlackBerry is still maddeningly hard to ignore.
Angered by the blurring of the dividing line between the workplace and home, Volkswagen's powerful works council struck an agreement with management that employees who use a BlackBerry and whose pay is governed by a collective wage tariff agreement will be subject to new email restrictions.
From now, VW's email server will stop routing messages 30 minutes after the end of an employee's shift and will only send emails again half an hour before the next shift begins.
The agreement is expected to affect more than 1,000 VW employees who have a company BlackBerry. It is unclear if other unionised German companies are considering such a rule.
“The new possibilities of communication also contain inherent dangers,” Heinz-Joachim Thust of VW's works council told the Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung.
“新型通信技術也蘊含著固有風險,”大眾汽車工會的海因茨-約阿希姆•圖斯特(Heinz-Joachim Thust)向《沃爾夫斯堡綜合報》(Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung)表示。
A VW works council spokesman confirmed the existence of the agreement but explained that the rule did not apply to senior management or other workers who fall outside trade union-negotiated pay brackets.
The works council sought the restriction in response to the tendency for BlackBerry users to be contactable by employers at all hours and amid a growing awareness in Germany of the risks of employee “burn-out”.
BlackBerrys began life as toys for executives but have since become a staple of corporate life. So great are their perceived addictive powers that the email devices quickly earned the moniker “CrackBerrys”.
黑莓最初只是高管們的玩具,但後來逐漸成為了企業生活的必需品。人們感到很容易對它上癮,以至於這種電子郵件設備很快獲得了“霹靂莓”(CrackBerry,源自Crack cocaine,即霹靂可卡因——譯者註)的綽號。
The works council said that so far there had been very positive feedback to the new email rules which came into force earlier this year. Workers will still be able to make phone calls using their BlackBerrys at any time.
Volkswagen has been working flat out this year as it bids to overtake Toyota and General Motors as the world's biggest carmaker by sales.
由於聲稱要超越豐田汽車(Toyota)和通用汽車(General Motors)成為全球銷量最大的汽車製造商,大眾今年一直開足馬力運轉。
Martin Winterkorn, chief executive, recently congratulated workers on completing 38 extra shifts and producing 50,000 additional vehicles, putting VW on track to sell more than 8m cars this year.
大眾首席執行官文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)近日祝賀員工們完成了38次額外輪班,使產量增加了5萬輛,為大眾今年銷量超過800萬輛奠定了基礎。
Mr Thust did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. It is unclear if his BlackBerry was switched off.


