
2021年2月20日 星期六

汉堡物理学家維森丹格:“我99.9%确信新冠病毒来自实验室;諾貝爾獎得主 (名字待查)的數學模型


諾貝爾獎得主 (名字待查)的數學模型



2021年2月18日 星期四



2021年2月17日 星期三

Can Intel’s new boss turn the chipmaker around? 都是經營的迷思? CEO 與公司命運......Intel主要競爭對手的領導者都具有良好的工程設計背景.....股價;紀念安迪・葛洛夫(Andrew Grove)2016

Some of its big customers, such as Apple and Amazon, are turning into competitors

紀念安迪・葛洛夫(Andrew Grove) 鍾漢清 2016-03-27



 都是經營的迷思? CEO 與公司命運......Intel主要競爭對手的領導者都具有良好的工程設計背景.....股價





撰文/Tae Kim

現在,Intel有了爭取成功的機會。在經歷了近年來的一系列挫折之後,這間傳奇晶片巨頭找到了一位擁有扭轉乾坤所需專業知識的新領導者。該公司於1月13日表示,董事會已任命目前在VMware擔任行政總裁的基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)為公司下一任行政總裁,任命自2月15日起生效。(注:首圖為基辛格)

領導層變動正值關鍵時刻。由於在採用半導體新型生產技術方面一再拖延,Intel已經落後於主要競爭對手,在高效能晶片製造方面被台積電等亞洲製造商超越。此番窘境促使維權投資者、Third Point的勒布(Dan Loeb)出手干預。

去年12月,勒布在一封寫給Intel董事長伊什拉克(Omar Ishrak)的信中批評了公司管理團隊的表現,並表示引入擁有工程設計背景的新領導者是公司的「當務之急」。




安全、效力高,資訊透明,才是疫苗廣為接受的條件:Sputnik V疫苗的故事COVID‑19 vaccines :Wikipedia 的 萬國COVID‑19 vaccine鳥瞰能力佳,

安全、效力高,資訊透明,才是疫苗廣為接受的條件:Sputnik V疫苗的故事

 On 2 February 2021, an interim analysis from the trial was published in The Lancet, indicating 91.6% efficacy without unusual side effects.[4]

According to preliminary review by experts, the lyophilized formulation of Gam-COVID-Vac is similar to the smallpox vaccine, circumventing the need for continuous cold chain storage – as required for the Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna vaccines – and allowing transportation to remote locations with reduced risk of vaccine spoilage.

2.6 Sputnik V疫苗成搶手
匈牙利不管歐盟,自己用Sputnik V疫苗

■ Iran announced that its first batch of Covid-19 vaccine, Russia’s Sputnik Vwould arrive on Thursday.


Putin’s once-scorned vaccine now favorite in pandemic fight


• 巴西批准科兴与阿斯利康疫苗,开启接种运动。此前一天,监管机构拒绝了俄罗斯研发的Sputnik V疫苗的紧急使用申请,称需要更多证明文件。官员表示,疫苗接种预计将于周三在巴西所有州开始。

 A COVID‑19 vaccine is a vaccine intended to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2), the virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19). Prior to the COVID‑19 pandemic, work to develop a vaccine against coronavirus diseases like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) established knowledge about the structure and function of coronaviruses; this knowledge enabled accelerated development of various vaccine technologies during early 2020.[1]

As of February 2021, 66 vaccine candidates are in clinical research, including 17 in Phase I trials, 23 in Phase I–II trials, 6 in Phase II trials, and 20 in Phase III trials.[2] Trials for four other candidates were terminated.[2] In Phase III trials, several COVID‑19 vaccines demonstrate efficacy as high as 95% in preventing symptomatic COVID‑19 infections. As of February 2021, ten vaccines are authorized by at least one national regulatory authority for public use: two RNA vaccines (the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna vaccine), four conventional inactivated vaccines (BBIBP-CorV from SinopharmBBV152 from Bharat BiotechCoronaVac from Sinovac, and WIBP from Sinopharm), three viral vector vaccines (Sputnik V from the Gamaleya Research Institute, the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine, and Ad5-nCoV from CanSino Biologics), and one peptide vaccine (EpiVacCorona from the Vector Institute).[2]

Many countries have implemented phased distribution plans that prioritize those at highest risk of complications, such as the elderly, and those at high risk of exposure and transmission, such as healthcare workers.[3] As of 13 February 2021, 171.35 million doses of COVID‑19 vaccine have been administered worldwide based on official reports from national health agencies.[4] Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca predicted a manufacturing capacity of 5.3 billion doses in 2021, which could be used to vaccinate about 3 billion people (as the vaccines require two doses for a protective effect against COVID‑19). By December 2020, more than 10 billion vaccine doses had been preordered by countries,[5] with about half of the doses purchased by high-income countries comprising 14% of the world's population.[6]



到2020年12月中旬,已有57種候選疫苗進入臨床研究,包括40種I/II期臨床試驗和17種II/III期臨床試驗。 在III期臨床試驗中,幾種COVID-19疫苗在預防症狀性COVID-19感染的效力高達95%[1] 。目前九種疫苗獲得至少一個國家監管機構的批准:兩種RNA疫苗輝瑞-BioNTechTozinameran莫德納mRNA-1273),三種常規不活化疫苗國藥集團BBIBP-CorV、巴拉特生技的BBV152、和科興生物克爾來福),三種病毒載體疫苗(加馬列亞流行病與微生物學國家研究中心衛星V牛津大學阿斯利康製藥AZD1222康希諾生物的Ad5-nCoV),以及一種疫苗(俄羅斯國家病毒學與生物技術研究中心的EpiVacCorona)。

許多國家已經實施了分階段的分配計劃,優先考慮併發症風險最高的人群(例如老年人)和暴露、傳播風險較高的人群(例如醫護人員)[2]。根據國家衛生機構的官方報告,截至2021年1月8日,全球已施用1770萬劑COVID-19疫苗[3]輝瑞公司,莫德納公司和阿斯利康製藥公司預測,到2021年,其生產能力將達到53億劑,可用於為約30億人接種疫苗(因為疫苗需要兩劑才能對COVID-19起到保護作用[4])。 到12月,各國已預訂購了超過100億劑疫苗[5],大約一半的疫苗是由高收入國家購買的,僅占世界人口的14%[6]


SEOUL: South Korea said on Monday (Feb 15) it will not use AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine on people aged 65 and older, reversing an earlier decision, and scaled back initial vaccination targets due to delayed shipments from global vaccine-sharing scheme COVAX.

South Korea had said it would complete vaccinations on 1.3 million people by the first quarter of this year with AstraZeneca shots, but it slashed the target sharply to 750,000.

The decision is largely due to adjustments in the supply timetable of the 2.6 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from COVAX, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said on Monday.

READ: South Korea to approve AstraZeneca as first COVID-19 vaccine, including for elderly

It did not mention any production issues in Europe for the delayed schedule, which it put down to administrative processes at COVAX, and reiterated that its plan to reach herd immunity by November remained intact.

"We do not believe the adjustments in inoculations in February and March will impact our goal of herd immunity by November," KDCA director Jeong Eun-kyeong told a briefing.

South Korea also reversed its earlier plan on the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine and said it would delay inoculation of the elderly using the shot until more efficacy data becomes available.

READ: South Korea eases COVID-19 curbs, to announce vaccine plan

South Korean authorities said last week they would grant their first approval for a coronavirus vaccine to AstraZeneca, and would allow its use on the elderly, despite warnings from advisory panels about a lack of data on its efficacy in older patients.

Several European countries have warned that AstraZeneca Oxford University's shot should only be given to those ages 18 to 64, but the company has said it triggers a good immune response in older people.

South Korea's first vaccinations will begin on Feb 26, with healthcare workers and vulnerable residents, including the elderly, the first in line. 


As pharmaceutical companies raced to develop Covid-19 vaccines, crossing the finishing line in record time, the world’s three biggest vaccine makers were also-rans. GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Sanofi are now left playing catch-up, after upstarts including Moderna and BioNTech demonstrated their mastery of new technologies that will shape the industry for years to come.  
