
2020年12月27日 星期日

地球,人間煉獄 LXXXIII(83rd、八十三 ) :口罩功用 Masks provide a critical barrier ;日本政府暫停所有國家的新入境申請......;北京各區要進入應急狀態;Lockdowns in the U.K. Donald J. Trump: it was China’s fault!

地球,人間煉獄 LXXXIII(83rd、八十三 ) :

Masks provide a critical barrier in limiting the spread of #COVID19, reducing the number of infectious viruses in exhaled breath, especially of asymptomatic people and those with mild symptoms, write the authors of a recent Perspective in Science. #WeekendReads
Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Respiratory infections occur through the transmission of virus-containing droplets (>5 to 10 µm) and aerosols (≤5 µm) exhaled from infected individuals during breathing, speaking, coughing, and sneezing. Traditional respiratory disease control measures are designed to reduce transmission by drop...

繼25日自英國返日的五位民眾在機場檢疫確診變種新冠肺炎,26日厚生勞動省再宣布東京都一名曾在英國待過的男性機長,和他沒有出國史的女性家屬確診變種新冠肺炎,也是境內首度確認變種病毒人傳人,不排除社區傳染的可能性。 日本政府26日再宣布,從28日開始到明年的一月底,暫停所有國家的新入境申請,不過日本和台灣、中國、南韓、馬來西亞等11個國家的商務往來則不受到影響。

$2000 + $2000 plus other family members. Not $600. Remember, it was China’s fault!


Lockdowns in the U.K. could finish by the end of February once 15 million vulnerable people have been vaccinated.

LATEST: More than 4.2 million shots have already been given in the biggest vaccination campaign in history.


