
2019年12月11日 星期三

AIT TechCamp 2019

AIT 在三個多月前舉辦了為期三天的TechCamp,共吸引了50多位來自台灣和6個亞洲國家的科技、社群媒體及廣電傳媒的工作者,以及10位橫跨各大洲、來自不同領域的講者專家,大家齊聚台北,一起腦力激盪出新的科技和解決方法來打擊不實資訊。今天我們很高興宣布,TechCamp評審委員選出了三支分別來自於菲律賓、馬來西亞與緬甸的隊伍,將頒發小額TechCamp 獎金給他們,讓他們可以從2020年1月起開始推動他們提出的計畫!其中有兩支得獎隊伍中也有來自台灣的學員,他們要一起合作,提升一般民眾的媒體素養並減輕不實資訊造成的危害。最棒的是,這些計畫也能深化台灣與區域夥伴的合作,一起來面對不實資訊所帶來的共同挑戰! AIT 在此要特別恭賀這三支得獎隊伍,讓我們一起努力打擊不實資訊!
Three months ago, AIT hosted TechCamp Taipei on “Disarming Disinformation through Technology, Design and Communication” with over 50 tech, social media, and journalism participants from Taiwan and across Southeast Asia. AIT is proud to announce the three winners of our TechCamp Taipei small grants! Our TechCamp participants from the Philippines, Malaysia, and Myanmar – some teaming up with their fellow Taiwan participants – have been selected by the TechCamp review panel to carry out their projects starting January 2020. These projects aim to improve public media literacy and reduce the reach and impact of disinformation in the region. Their projects will also deepen Taiwan’s cooperation with regional partners in addressing shared challenges related to disinformation. Congratulations to the three winning teams!

