
2012年12月28日 星期五

筆談”Nike 在中國"/ Adidas eyes record revenues in the next few years

Adidas Neo Store in Hamburg, Germany, with a running shoe in the foreground


Adidas eyes record revenues in the next few years

German sports gear maker Adidas has said it's aiming to log record revenue in 2012 and in the next few years. The company has brushed aside accusations it would tolerate sub-standard wages at Asian facilities.
Sports equipment maker Adidas said on Thursday that it was hoping to log record sales this year and beyond. CEO Herbert Hainer told the Süddeutsche Zeitung daily that revenue for 2013 would exceed 14.5 billion euros ($19.2 billion), marking a nine percent rise from last year's levels. He said sales volumes could rise to 17 million euros annually by 2017.
"But the eurozone debt crisis is making it harder for us to achieve our objectives," Hainer said. "The high unemployment rate and the economic woes especially in southern Europe aren't particularly helpful."
He added, though, that business was brisk in the US, Russia and China. Hainer stated that the German company's sales would be boosted further next year though the introduction of a new generation of running shoes that could see the firm grow despite the lack of major international sporting events.
'Legal' wage levels
Adidas' chief executive rejected accusations leveled against the company by human rights organizations, claiming that it was using Asian suppliers who pay their workers unacceptably low wages.
"Our suppliers all stick to relevant minimum wage stipulations," Hainer said. "The respective governments - be they democratically elected or not – define the minimum wages, and we stick to the rules, but we can't assume the role of a world policeman."
Hainer added that parts of the textile production cycle had been moving closer to home lately, with many items now being manufactured in Turkey or southern European states. "From there, we can deliver our products to the whole of Europe within 48 to 72 hours."
On the other hand, he said that there was no such trend back to Europe when it came to producing shoes. Hainer explained that the whole expertise in that sector had long moved to Asia, and the development couldn't be quickly reversed.
hg/pfd (dpa, AFP, Reuters)

2012.9.30 筆談”Nike 在中國"
很久沒和基弘Weilly Chen筆談”Nike 在中國。謝謝他的寶貴時間。
me: FT: 耐克在华新订单减少
Chen: yes. 這代表全世界景氣仍在谷底盤旋
Chen: Nike每賣2雙到中國, 有一雙遭到退貨.
me: 怎一回事?
Chen: Nike鞋子在中國的定價比較高, 中國人也都把Nike牌子當成像Prada之類的精品在看待.這個觀點而言, 可謂誤會. 運動鞋並非精品,具體地說, 運動鞋乃一消耗品.再來, 中國政府的6個月內可退貨原則對運動鞋極為挑戰.天天都穿並從事大量戶外運動的話,不可能6個月內長保如新.
me: 各種產品都6月內可退役貨? 其他各國呢?
Chen: 美國也是這樣, 但美國消費者成熟度比較高, 不會亂退. PradaGucci等牌子在中國也是被客訴地很慘.
me: 很妙不過其他廠牌因價稍低問題稍小?
Chen: 當然價格低一點消費者就比較能接受品質差一點.一分錢一分貨嘛.
me: 退貨轉賣到零賣管道?
Chen: 外觀上的問題才能轉到outlet以次級品價格賣出.
另外的問題是中國消費者會穿同一雙鞋子從事所有的活動, 從走路到打球, 並且他們會手洗鞋子, 放在太陽下曝曬. 沒有任何鞋子經得起長期這樣摧殘.
me: 有退貨就虧本啦? 有沒有一直在"試穿/"的顧客?
Chen: 我想多少存在一些澳客. 中國區消費者對鞋子的品質觀點和Nike所認定有很大的誤會
me: 這很妙應該教育顧客
問題是Nike似乎一直不願正視此問題. 好像宥於全球的品牌政策云云. 我常看到Adidas的鞋子上面有吊牌標示若干穿著限制, Nike的法務說這樣不行
me: 寶成自己的品牌和銷售網呢?
這是好問題, 我不是很清楚我們自己的通路對品質的反應為何? 可以問一下
me: 這牽涉到美國的法律解釋 很有意思.
Chen: 我猜更多是大公司內自掃門前雪吧
me: 今天談的可公布嗎?
Chen:…….不要談. 其餘應該不算秘密.
me: 了解 謝謝 case很多人一定覺得好完中國區的主管不能斷然用自己方式處?

Chen: 現在Nike鞋子要價甚高. 我們所生產的鞋子最貴要價315美金一雙. 我可以理解消費者的確會把鞋子當精品, 因為他是用買精品的價格
我個人的理解會是, 假如我是中國區總裁, 銷售不良時, 我會抱怨這是製造部門的品質不良造成的. 然後講一些price, value, customer satisfaction的大道理, 結果只是要說, 這不是我的問題, 我是受害者.
me: 對超過100元就是中國的天價 中國不知有沒香港般的全Nike旗艦店?
中國有Nike旗艦店. 我去過上海的那一間. 就位於南京路徒步區. 旁邊也的確都是些精品店

