The City
An initiative of the Greater London Authority (GLA), the London Datastore provides a place on the Web where citizens can freely access the data that the GLA and other public-sector organizations hold. Understanding that a great deal of the information is not in a user-friendly format, the initiative has invited "the masses of technical talent that we have in London" to transform the data into apps, websites and mobile products that people can actually find useful. So far, the plan is working. Developers and others have created apps that offer greater efficiencies in everything from transportation to health care.
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Blogs by Hanching Chung
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- 力晶所有DRAM銷售將交給爾必達(Elpida)
- So who’s top of the class now?
- 'A.I.G. Shouldn't Exist'
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- How motorsport drives innovation
- Cooperation and competition in the auto industry
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- Li Ning 李宁和耐克差在哪?
- “中國歷史上之名將 ”/William Westmoreland 越戰「敗軍之將」魏摩蘭
- Google's new CEO
- Google Chief Gives Up Top Role
- U.S. Factories Make a Comeback
- 百萬員工「富士康」,旋風將刮向何處?
- Don’t be fooled by illusory numbers
- G.E.與航太業
- 台大宿舍衝突
- 戴姆勒·奔驰汽车公司诞生125周年
- 台灣企業尾牙大拚場
- Won’t You Be My Wireless Neighbor?
- Case study: McDonald’s
- 潤成投資 Ruen Chen/ AIG/Nan Shan
- Matthew Bunker Ridgway 李奇威將軍
- Shenzhen workers scent power
- Freeing Its Data, London Turns Access Into Apps
- 全世界的領導年輕化趨勢
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