
2010年3月29日 星期一

倫敦鞋王全台巡迴 量腳訂製

倫敦鞋王全台巡迴 量腳訂製20萬起跳
英國奢華名鞋John Lobb「流動門市」本週抵達台中。將陸續轉駐台南與高雄。圖為John Lobb手工訂製鞋,23萬1千元。


英國皇室御用鞋匠品牌John Lobb繼在台北精品百貨Bellavita開設全台首家門市後,再以「流動門市」巡迴全台各城,包括台中、台南、高雄等。品牌訂製鞋總監Michel Raballand先生亦自巴黎抵台,為顧客現場示範手工訂製鞋製作過程。

John Lobb經理李穎琳表示,「流動門市」是一個突破固定銷售據點的模式,讓各地顧客都能親身體驗百年製鞋技術。她表示:「John Lobb流動門市曾經在全球各個不同城市的酒店、古典建築物或購物中心等舉行。這是首度在台舉辦。」本週來到台中廣三SOGO,4月份起,則轉駐台南與高 雄。各站檔期大約5天。

John Lobb第一家店正式成立於1866年,1976年納入Hermes集團。無論是在法國巴黎訂製的鞋款,或是在英國生產的男仕成鞋,都經過190道步驟與 300項工法的精密製作,質料、手工,極為講究。店上男仕成鞋價格大約4萬元起,量腳訂製皮鞋則是20萬起跳。

2010年3月21日 星期日



By Matthew Forney 2010-03-22

A small and little-known city in eastern China's Fujian province makes three claims to fame: it boasts the country's earliest seafaring vessels, a large Islamic temple – and an odd cluster of sneaker companies.

At least 10 firms in Quanzhou city make athletic shoes, and four have listed on overseas stock markets. Known collectively as the “Fujian Tigers”, these brands started out stitching together shoes for the likes of Nike and Adidas, then found success under their own names by selling into lower-tier cities.

Their sudden emergence sets a crucial piece of received wisdom on its ear: it is no longer true that reliable retail sales of branded products can be generated only in China's top cities.

Foremost among the Fujian Tigers is Peak Sport Products, a family-run company that now ranks among China's best-known sportswear brands. The company listed in Hong Kong in September 2009 and now has a market capitalisation of US$1.4 bn on the back of regular annual revenue increases of 60 per cent or more. Peak's turnover is likely to exceed US$500m sometime in 2011.

Such eye-popping growth comes at a time when most leading foreign brands are struggling, and Adidas is suffering double-digit declines. Peak's story underscores both the growing importance of China's consumer class and the emergence of competitive domestic brands.

The key to understanding Peak's rise to a sneaker powerhouse can be found by looking where its shoes are not available. Visitors to China's biggest cities – Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou – will likely search in vain for a Peak outlet.

Peak is instead expanding fast into second-tier cities and below, all the way down to county towns – markets where the China's biggest athletic shoe sellers, Nike and Adidas, fear to tread.

Like a guerrilla strategist, Peak has abandoned China's large cities to its powerful foreign competitors and instead occupies territory exclusively in the hinterland, where incomes have crossed a critical threshold. People in these once-impoverished places can now pay for holidays, home-video systems and branded shoes – and they want them.

Peak now has more than 6,000 retail outlets and is opening another three every day. Nike and Adidas, by comparison, each have about 3,500 stores in China.

Peak's goal is to gain first-mover advantage by opening the maiden athletic-footwear store in major shopping districts across China. Most homegrown brands share this strategy and are growing at a similar clip.

Peak's most mature local competitors are Li Ning and Anta. There is also growing competition from Dongxiang, which owns the China licence to the Italian sportswear line, Kappa. Based on phenomenal growth, its market capitalisation is higher than Li Ning's even though Li Ning boasts higher margins and twice the market share.

Most observers think the lower-tier markets will be saturated within five years. Such congestion will lead to a shakeout, with the strongest and best-organised companies winning. By then, Peak and friends are betting they will be read


泉州市至少有10家企业生产运动鞋,其中4家已在海外上市。它们从为耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等品牌代工起步,继而在二、三线城市销售自有品牌的运动鞋并获得成功——它们被统称为“福建虎”(Fujian Tigers)。


“福建虎”中首屈一指的一家企业是匹克体育用品有限公司(Peak Sport Products),这家家族企业如今已跻身中国最知名运动鞋品牌之列。该公司去年9月在香港上市,目前市值为14亿美元,每年经常性收入增幅在60%或 以上,销售额有望在2011年的某个时候突破5亿美元。







在匹克的本土竞争对手中,最为成熟的当数李宁(Li Ning)和安踏(Anta)。来自中国动向(China Dongxiang)的竞争也越来越激烈,该公司拥有意大利运动品牌Kappa在中国的产品销售许可权。凭借非凡的增长,中国动向目前的市值高于李宁,尽 管李宁拥有更高的利润率,且市场份额是前者的两倍。



本文作者是独立调查公司Fathom China总裁,该公司的业务是对中国企业和高管展开尽职调查


2010年3月15日 星期一


互聯網泡沫十週年 當年熱股今何在﹖


具 體講﹐是那些在股市高點入市的人﹐當時媒體舖天蓋地地報導天價首次公開募股(IPO)和擁有大量風險投資(有時還有大量公開市場現金)的初創企業﹐這些報 導真該被扔到窗外。畢竟﹐納斯達克綜合指數突破了5,000點大關──有史以來的最高水平﹐比一年前漲了一倍以上。很多人認為還有更大的上漲空間。


雅各布資產管理公司(Jacob Asset Management)董事長兼首席投資長賴安•雅各布(Ryan Jacob)說﹐市場顯然是漲得過快了。該公司管理著雅各布互聯網基金(Jacob Internet Fund)﹐這只基金在股市高點前幾個月才剛剛創立。

目前﹐雅各布的基金規模比納斯達克指數創下高點時的水平仍低82%。這與其他類似指標的表現相符。道瓊斯工業股票平均價格指數比那時跌了79%﹐而摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)則跌了81%。




舉例來講﹐在FactSet Research排出的十大互聯網公司中﹐有兩家完全消失了。排名是根據截至2000年3月10日的總市值計算的。Terra Networks和Inktomi在互聯網泡沫破裂後被收購﹐收購價格只相當於它們此前價值的一個零頭。




亞馬遜公司(Amazon.com Inc.)的總市值比十年前增長了一倍以上﹐增幅近140%。大部分漲幅是去年才實現的﹐由於強勁的收益增長和在電子商務市場的份額增加﹐去年這家網絡零售商的股價飆升。

在2000年3月時市值最大的互聯網企業雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)如今的日子不那麼好過了。經拆股調整﹐現在雅虎市值比十年前低了約77%。


不 過﹐十年前那些名頭響亮的互聯網公司中絕大部分已經銷聲匿跡了。收錄在2000年3月道瓊斯互聯網指數中的40家公司里只有10家挺到了現在。 Exodus Communications、Excite@Home、Lycos、MP3.com和 eToys等公司都成了永遠的過去時。


雅 各布在回憶起他在社區網站地球村(GeoCities)的大量頭寸時說﹐那曾經非常具有挑戰性﹐在投資中要考慮許多定性因素。雅虎公司後來在1999年年 初斥資近36億美元收購了地球村網站。他說﹐僅從財務方面考慮﹐地球村不是很有吸引力﹐但當時它的瀏覽量位列前十﹔我們曾努力尋找能夠創造強勁業績的商 機。



他指出﹐亞馬遜(Amazon.com)和谷歌(Google Inc.)等強大的網絡公司都是基本面上佳、資產負債狀況良好。雅各布說﹐IPO市場現在已經變得挑剔了許多﹐而Facebook和Twitter等知名網絡公司還在致力於打造自身業務﹐尚未上市。


互聯網泡沫破裂的另一個影響是科技公司紛紛捂緊了自己的錢袋。雅各布指出﹐蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)的現金儲備達到了將近400億美元﹐谷歌等公司也在銀行存有巨資。




2010年3月14日 星期日

Repurchase Agreement - Repo for Lehman Brothers

雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)倒閉調查報告出爐,震撼華爾街和倫敦金融城,重創銀行業信譽。各大金融機構人人自危,紛紛出面澄清絕無非法的作帳行為。

這份長達2,200頁的調查報告,完整揭發雷曼前高階主管和Ernst & Young審計員的惡行,也讓原來已聲名狼藉的銀行業更難堪。



倫敦金融時報駐華爾街特派記者貝爾指出,大量使用Repo 市場的多是獨立投資銀行,現在獨立的投資銀行已較少見。其他銀行表示未參與這種交易,前雷曼員工和其他接受調查者也相信,雷曼是唯一使用Repo 105交易的公司。





調查報告點名七家雷曼交易對手,名稱在報告中大多數只用簡稱表示。報告寫道:雷曼在2007到2008年的交易對手主要是瑞穗、巴克萊、瑞士銀行 (UBS)、三菱和KBC,代表的是瑞穗金融集團、巴克萊公司(Barclays PLC)、瑞士銀行集團(UBS AG)、三菱日聯金融集團和KBC集團旗下的部門。名稱比較完整呈現的是德意志銀行集團(Deutsche Bank AG)和荷蘭銀行控股公司(ABN Amro Holding NV)。

Repurchase Agreement - Repo

A form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day.

For the party selling the security (and agreeing to repurchase it in the future) it is a repo; for the party on the other end of the transaction, (buying the security and agreeing to sell in the future) it is a reverse repurchase agreement.

Investopedia Says:
Repos are classified as a money-market instrument. They are usually used to raise short-term capital.

Related Links:
If your investments in the stock market are keeping you from sleeping at night, it's time to learn about the safer alternatives in the money market. The Money Market

2010年3月12日 星期五

Gain from the pain of failure

失败一直是市场经济最基本的组成部分。市场有效,是因为人 们在不断尝试新想法。这些想法大多都会失败。那些成功的想法又会让早先的想法失败。在美国,每年约有10%的企业消失。这幅景象有点让人难堪——但试错法 (trial and error)可能正开始获得作为一种商业技巧的公正地位,而不再是资本主义肮脏的小秘密。

有些迹象让人心怀希望。哈 佛商学院(HBS)的斯特凡•托姆克(Stefan Thomke)认为,计算机运算技术的进步使得新产品实验可能成为家常便饭。例如,现在很容易实验网站布局改变的效果,向不同访客显示不同的配置,并实时 跟踪结果。与此同时,谷歌(Google)定期发布新产品的试用版(beta)。而像《魔鬼经济学》(Freakonomics)作者之一史蒂文•莱维特 (Steven Levitt)这样的学术超级明星一直在教授商业实验方面的管理课程。

关于从错误中学习的心理学我们也开始了解的越来越 多。《轻推》(Nudge)作者之一、行为经济学家理查德•塞勒(Richard Thaler)发明了“享乐主义的加工”(hedonic editing)这个短语,用来形容我们将小损失与较大的收益放在一起以掩饰损失之痛苦的习惯行为。粉饰太平乃人之本性,但也可能导致你无法从失败中吸取 教训。塞勒和同事甚至研究了游戏节目《一掷千金》(Deal Or No Deal)中参赛选手的行为。他发现,选择失误的人接下来会开始不顾后果地冒险,这往往会让他们错上加错。

如果失败暂时夺去了我们的判断 力,我们就很难从失败中吸取教训。当我们开始理解为什么试错法是一个非常痛苦的过程时,或许就能够更加有建设性地使用这种方法。这场金融危机让我们意识 到,无法容忍一点失败的体系是危险的。一家机构“太大以致不能倒闭”的理念过去听起来很让人信服。现在不再如此。

Gain from the pain of failure

Undercover Economist

Failure has always been a fundamental part of a market economy. When markets work, they do so because new ideas are constantly being tried out. Most fail. Those that succeed cause older ideas to fail instead. In the US, about 10 per cent of businesses disappears each year. This is an awkward insight – but trial and error could be starting to take its rightful place as a business technique, rather than the dirty little secret of capitalism.

There are some hopeful signs. Stefan Thomke of Harvard Business School has argued that advances in computation have made it possible to experiment on new products as a matter of course, trying many things and expecting many failures. It is now easy, for example, to experiment with changes in the layout of a website, showing different configurations to different visitors and tracking results in real time. Google, meanwhile, routinely launches new products with a “beta” label on them. And academic superstars such as Steven Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics, have been teaching executive courses in business experimentation.

We are also starting to learn more about the psychology of learning from mistakes. Richard Thaler, the behavioural economist behind Nudge, coined the phrase “hedonic editing” to describe our habit of lumping small losses together with larger gains in order to mask the pain of the loss. Sugar-coating is human, but it's also a recipe for failing to learn from failure. Thaler, with colleagues, even studied the behaviour of contestants on Deal or No Deal. He discovered that people who had made unlucky choices then started to take reckless risks, which often compounded the error.

It's hard to learn from failure if it briefly robs us of our judgment. As we start to understand why trial and error is so painful a process, we may be able to use it more constructively. The financial crisis has made us aware that a system that cannot tolerate a bit of failure is a dangerous one. The idea that an institution was “too big to fail” used to sound reassuring. Not any more.

2010年3月4日 星期四



Carmakers will be scrambling to meet demand for electric cars – and the lithium batteries that power them – within the next two years, Carlos Ghosn, chief executive of Renault and Nissan, has predicted.

Mr Ghosn said at the Geneva motor show yesterday that Renault and Nissan stood to profit because they would be “the only one on the market” with an electric car by 2011.

“If I had to make a bet today, I would say we're going to be very quickly in short capacity for electric cars,” Mr Ghosn said. “From everything I'm seeing, in 2011 or 2012 we're going to have to rush to build capacity for both batteries and cars.”

Renault and Nissan are between them installing enough capacity to build about 150,000 such cars in Japan, 200,000 in Europe, and more than 200,000 in the US. “We're putting the system in place – who else is doing that?” Mr Ghosn said.

The allied French and Japanese carmakers are pushing more aggressively than other big car producers into pure battery electric vehicles, despite a widespread view among their competitors and industry analysts that they will be little more than a niche product.

While Renault and Nissan say they will be the first to market electric cars in 2011, PSA Peugeot Citroën plans to launch two electric cars in Europe this year, and Mitsubishi's i-MiEV is already on the road in Japan.

雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)首席执行官卡洛斯•戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)预计,未来两年内,汽车制造商们将难以满足市场对电动汽车(以及为其提供动力的锂电池)的需求。





虽然雷诺和日产表示,它们将于2011年率先在市场上推出电动汽车,但标致雪铁龙(PSA Peugeot Citroën)计划今年就在欧洲推出两款电动汽车,而三菱(Mitsubishi)的i-MiEV已经行驶在日本的公路上。

